GoodieBag Testing

I just love goodieBags! (and any other free things I can get) This time I received a ''loppiblogbag'' from INDISKA.

1. KRAV- and Fair Trade coffeeI dont drink coffee so I have no idea how it taste but it smelled good and my mom said it was ok. So let's believe her.

2. Palmolive Magic Softness Tangerine - holly $hi, its like pure magic. It suppose to be a soap and it smells super good but ZOOOmg, instead of normal soap liquid, - soap spume comes out ;o My new favosite thing from now on.

3. Palmolive Mediterranean Moments showecream - meh, it smells just a bit too sweet and the smell wanished rlly quicly. 

4. Ajax Kitchen & Grease - im not a kitchen woman but I saw that stuff do its work. Ajax had a quite a smell too. c:
LightChain - what the hell.... Really, would never guy anything like it because I had to use 4 battheries and its only a short chain, Not very eco friendly. And all the glitter came off when I took it out.

what I really liked about this Christmas Bag was - THE SOCKS.

So did my dog.
I liked the colour and they were... soft. Perf.

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