Want It All - Geeky Antique Tour

Just like I said before, many times! Discovering new places is the best way to spend your time and also fall in love with the city.
Umeå is a very little city, if I may say so. Most of the people have a strict opinion about ''Björkarnas stad -town of birches'', and they see nothing interesting about it. Instead of feeling the same, I chose to examine this land ''from A to Ö''.
Completely randomly, while following the wind, I cometh a vintage store ''Backmans''. Never heard or notice it and I've lived in this town for over two years now. Crazy! But let's check out some rad goods I found. 
Organic soap with powerful essence of nature assent. Also on sale and cost only 10sek/1/1$. No idea why I chose not to buy it!

 My favorite piece from this store, has to be this antique mirror! However, the price is too high, or I'm too cheap.

 900kronor?! they have to be thinking is a joke! A simple box. 900kronor? Robbery in broad daylight.
After wondering around the shop, and me being a sucker for old things (thinking about tangible assets here..) found many items I wanted to bring home with me and love forever.
But the fact is that this ''garage sale'' looking store was uber expensive and not available for my bank account. So many overpriced things are going to be destroyed over time, it brakes my heart.
 Felt more like I was walking trough a museum full of forgotten memories. Too bad I was not able to bring those memories home and create new ones. But I will never lose hope!

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