Nästan Helt Slut

So today was... different. A person almost died on my watch. I finally cooked my darn spaghetti, and since I can't measure right, I cooked for an army. A person's dog died, and so did it's love, because who needs a girlfriend, right? I'd answer, but some people can't take the criticism (the truth).
Oh, yeah... I did go to Loreen ''concert'', because my mom and sister were so excited about it. Before her show, we walked around a little bit and as always... I HATE WHEN PEOPLE POINT THEIR FINGERS AT ME AND LAUGH. Almost got into a fight with four or five teenagers, who were mocking me, or whatever. But then they came up to me and we took a picture together, and the evening was kind of saved. I can act a bit childish, but I can never put up with bullcrap. Wanna say something? Say it to my face and have an explanation!
random dude with a cool sweatshirt

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